Before to start: This letter, written by me to the editors of Banned Thought about their Turkey section neither have been replied by Banned Thought, nor they did edits in the light of this letter. Even though there is several documents translated into several languages by sides (i.e. even though there is a bit of literature on it), I'm publishing this one for summary. Before publishing, I have mostly deleted the parts about where they strong and where they aren't (except Dersim and Rojava parts) along with my suggestions to them which not related with this blog and for final I did some edits.
İbo'dan Demirdağ'a - Tarihimizden Öğreniyoruz
As you have already realized: "There seems to have been some internal disarray and/or splits in this party recently."
After arrests in Germany on 2015 by German state (München Trials) and for some other reasons in the ends of 2016 TKP/M-L split into two wing: TKP/M-L MK (CPT/M-L Central Committee) and TKP/M-L ÖK (CPT/M-L Organising Committee)
One group firstly found a Committee named "Geçici Yurt Dışı Komitesi" (Provisional Abroad Committee). This committe later renamed itself as "Yurt Dışı Komitesi" (Abroad Committee). With some other committees of TKP/M-L and TMLGB they founded Örgütlenme Komitesi. This was not new in TKP/M-L history, in 1976 split there was same issue too (after split in 1976 regional era started in Party history, in 1977 an Inter-Committees Central Leadership founded and after Regional Conferences, First Conference of TKP (M-L) [this was original name of Party] held in Ankara on February 1978 and with this Conference regional era ended).
One group firstly found a Committee named "Geçici Yurt Dışı Komitesi" (Provisional Abroad Committee). This committe later renamed itself as "Yurt Dışı Komitesi" (Abroad Committee). With some other committees of TKP/M-L and TMLGB they founded Örgütlenme Komitesi. This was not new in TKP/M-L history, in 1976 split there was same issue too (after split in 1976 regional era started in Party history, in 1977 an Inter-Committees Central Leadership founded and after Regional Conferences, First Conference of TKP (M-L) [this was original name of Party] held in Ankara on February 1978 and with this Conference regional era ended).
This group keep the forces of Rojava (West Kurdistan, Northern Syria). [..., erased] In Dersim, most of the base (and all of the guerrilla forces) took side with MK fraction (same thing happened in 1987 Konferans-DABK split too, DABKites [which they were also splitters of 1994, who named itself as TKP (M-L) and later (in 2002) as MKP] take almost all of the guerrilla forces of TKP/M-L with themselves). [..., erased]
TKP/M-L ÖK in their 1st Congress (held in Rojava[?] in Spring 2019 [probably in March-April, officially declared in April 24, 2019]) renamed themselves as "TKP-ML". Everything signed as TKP-ML and taken from is belongst to them. This groups also published a Programme of Party (first time in history of TKP-ML), some Congress decisions etc.
TKP/M-L MK too held a Congress a bit after it. They only published a long statement which talks about their Congress decisions etc., but still there is no published official Congress documents existing. [later some documents published by Partizan magazine owned by Yeni Demokrasi, and there is still some to publishing -2020.01.16]
Different views of the two wings are mostly developed on the 8th Conference line of party. TKP-ML wing argued that after operations MK has lost it's legitimate status (according to constitution of Party) and labeled other group as putschist. However, other wing argued that it's rightful.
Both groups called other group as "liquidator, rightist" but ÖK group also called MK group as "putschist". Before they rename themselves, TKP/ML ÖK was knowning by public as "ÖK, Rojava, [..., erased]", while other group (TKP/M-L MK) was knowning by public as "MK, [..., erased], İ[şçi ]K[öylü ]K[urtuluşu]/İKKites"; but after renaming their official names became TKP-ML (ÖK originated) and TKP/M-L (MK originated).
Also, the one who left HBDH and less-positive on Rojava is TKP/M-L group, other one still keeping it's place in HBDH. [also, TKP-ML group changed it's view on PKK and called it as national revolutionary, before that official status of PKK for TKP/M-L was "armed reformist", and again, also this group joined to ICOR in the ends of 2019-2020.01.16]
So I think you must separate section of TKP/M-L into two. Everything taken from is belongst to the TKP/M-L, and everything taken from is belongst to the TKP-ML.
[..., erased]